I wanted to post a picture of Ezra holding a toy. I can't get over his ability to use his hands; it's just amazing. He's pretty excited by it, too. Every day his coordination gets a little bit better. I really need to get him some nice wooden teethers and grabby toys; I don't like that the thing he's holding in the pic is plastic and he might put it in his mouth (plastic in the mouth is a no-no around here!). I have some pictures of him on the play mat holding a toy in each hand, but play mat pics just never come out great. I've been taking photos in the same general location lately because we get the best light there. (Oh, and he was wearing a bib this afternoon because he's started drooling like crazy! He's also chewing on his hands and fingers a lot, but I'm not sure if it's just developmentally appropriate or if he's actually starting to teethe. Only time will tell!)

I also want to boast about Ezra's sense of humor. He's so funny! I was really sick over the weekend, so I was in bed most of the day. One time I had just fed him and we were playing, and I layed down with him the way we usually sleep at night (he was facing me on his side). He started pulling on my shirt, so I pulled it up for him. He started laughing hysterically and pretend latched, but didn't actually latch, and then popped off and laughed again, and then pulled on my shirt. So I pulled the shirt back down, and he laughed again! So funny.
Lately Ezra has been so interested in the things around him that it's been harder to get him to take a nap when he needs to. He used to fall asleep simply by going for a short walk, but now when we're out for a walk he's wide-eyed looking at the world around him (and if we walk for a long time he'll fall asleep towards the end). Sometimes, like today, we'll have a great day until the evening, and then he just refuses to take a late afternoon nap. So he's been up for ages and he gets really hyper (screeching and babbling, waving his arms and legs around), and then he gets super-fussy by 5:00! What I did today was just give him a bath and do his bedtime routine, and he was out at 6:15. Most nights he sleeps fairly well; he still wakes up every few hours, but I nurse him and he goes right back to sleep. Still, I'd rather he fall asleep between 6:30 and 7, more towards 7, and then sleep later in the morning.
(I wrote this at 6:30. He woke up at 6:50 and I fed him; he'd been too hyper/fussy to really nurse before sleeping. Baruch came home while I was getting him back to sleep, and since then Baruch got him back twice. But it's been almost an hour now and he's still asleep. Maybe I can blame the coffee I had earlier...)
You dont know me from a bar of soap (Im an Aussie) but I read diaperpin regularly and was just reading your blog...
Im intrigued as to why plastic in the mouth is a no no?
Thanks :)
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