Ezra Yehuda

Saturday, January 06, 2007

what Ezra is learning

Ezra's new shtick seems to be cause and effect. Yesterday I gave him a plastic container, sort of like a small bucket, to play with, and sat him on a chair holding it. He kept throwing it on the floor to hear the lovely sound it made hitting the wood, which made him laugh. I picked it back up and gave it to him and he threw it right back down. It was so funny. Today he did something similar with his new wooden bead toy: he was sitting on the floor in front of it, and he kept pulling on the wires so it was tilted towards him and then letting go so it hit the floor and rattled with a bang. That also made him laugh, so he did it over and over. He was also shaking it back and forth and the beads were rattling. Then he tried to eat the wires ;)

It is so amazing to see his mind develop as we watch!

Oh, and he loves to pick things up and shake them up and down. It's cute when he gets a rattle because it's like the perfect image of a baby shaking a rattle.

Today we put him in the stroller at the table and he sat with us while we ate lunch (this is a great use for the stroller, since we don't actually use it outside :p). I gave him sips of water from my cup (or tried to; it mostly ends up down his chin) and I let him suck on my apple while I was eating it. We are going to get a booster seat very soon, and I know he'll love it!


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