Ezra Yehuda

Sunday, September 16, 2007

an update

Toddlers are fun! I am loving every day with Ezra, and I really think this is an amazing age. He plays with toys like a toddler, often choosing to push cars and trucks around the room, or "help" me by bringing me things (he spent about 20 minutes bringing me all of the potatoes, one by one, the other day), or take things out of the cabinets and figure them out. He likes to put blocks in the back of his dump truck and push it around everywhere. Sometimes he even makes motor sounds to go with his trucks and cars. We've been going for short walks outside, with Ezra walking, and he stops to look at everything from flowers to bees (he loves bees! he says a bee says "tssss") to trees and shadows (he waves to his shadow), birds, cars, really anything and everything. He picks up signs very quickly, his newest being "tree"; he also signs all of the old ones (milk, more, all done, food), bird, car, and some others. I need to learn new signs to teach him, because he can easily pick a new one up after seeing it a few times. He also uses them in interesting ways; for example, he hates when Baruch puts water on his head during his bath (I usually have to just get in the bath with him, if I'm bathing him!), and he looks at him plaintively and signs "all done?" with this questioning look. Baruch says he thinks he's trying to communicate the equivalent of, "will you stop, please?" Another cute thing Ezra has just started doing is hugging his doll. He also likes to hug a stuffed giraffe. He'll carry the doll around the apartment with him, hugging it and patting it on the back.

There's really too much to say to get it all down here. Basically, Ezra is adorable and amazing, and I can't even begin to fathom how much I love him. I will come back and post some photos later.


Blogger anne said...

so cute! and you know we need pictures!

6:09 PM, September 20, 2007  

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