7 months!
I can't believe Ezra is already 7 months old! He is growing so big. He started to sign milk, and he understands many words, such as ball, bath, splash, fan, dog, mama, jump, etc. I think he has gotten longer recently, as his 6-9 month onesies aren't fitting well. He still tries to stand up in the bath tub every evening; he could do it if I'd let him! He's climbing all over everybody's laps like a little monkey, and he goes from a sitting position into a crawling position and then rocks on his hands and knees. He's just adorable, and cuter by the day. It is so much fun to see him grow and mature!
(The third picture is Ezra with my grandmother. My father took some nice ones of Ezra with both of my grandparents, but this is one I took. I will get a photo of Ezra with my parents and post that, too!)