Ezra Yehuda

Monday, March 19, 2007

learning to crawl, and pulling up

Ezra has been busy! I have a bunch of great photos of him learning to crawl, so I'll just post a few. And he's also pulling up to standing whenever he gets a chance. He won't let us sit him down anywhere (this includes his booster seat and car seat) without a struggle, because he wants to be standing! He is starting to learn to go from a crawling position to a sitting position. And he is also finally truly getting teeth! The bottom right middle one should be the first in, and I can also see the other middle one and the next one over on the right. I hope it doesn't take too long for them to break through; we've already had 3 sleepless nights! I think the teeth wake him up, and then he decides that since he's awake he'd like to practice crawling :p Thankfully he's been in a relatively good mood during the day, although he does randomly cry out like he's hurting, poor dude.

Okay, without further ado, the pictures. The first two are trying to crawl, with the subtitle: "If you agree not to put a new diaper on me, I'll act really cute. Deal?" (please ignore the messy apartment...there are toys all over the floor and clean diapers on the table)

Next we have two of him pulling up in his crib:

And finally, a picture of Ezra in his new car seat. He was sleepy. The chest harness thing is too high because he pulled it up to suck on it; I have to figure out how to get him to stop doing that! In any case he is MUCH more comfortable in the new seat, making car rides more pleasurable for all.


Blogger anne said...

cute cute cute! is that a britax? James likes to chew on the chest strap of his as well.

3:18 PM, March 21, 2007  

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